Farm Mechanization

Farm Mechanization is the process of using Agricultural Machinery to mechanise the work of Agriculture to increase productivity. In moder times, powered machinery has replaced many farm jobs that were carried out by manual labour or by working animals such as, Oxen, Horses and Mules. Agriculture Department has implemented a scheme called Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) from 2012 onwards. The sharing pattern of the scheme is 90 : 10 between the Central Government and the State Government.

The Department is giving out different kinds of agricultural machineries, tools and implements with this fund to the farmers in a subsidised rate. Below are different items of machinery, tools and implement with rate of subsidy being given to the farmer :-

Sl No Items Rate of Subsidy(')
1 Tractors & implements for Custom Hiring Centre 95% upto Rs. 9.50 lakh
2 Paddy Reapers (for group of farmer) 100% upto Rs. 1.25 lakh
3 Power Tillers 50% upto Rs. 85,000/-
4 Mini Power Tillers 50% upto Rs. 65,000/-
5 Brushcutters 50% upto Rs. 30,000/-
6 Knapsack Sprayers 50% upto Rs. 750/-
7 Rotavators Rs. 50,400/-
8 Sugarcane Crushers Rs. 75,000/-
9 Gur Boiling Pan Rs. 5,000/-

The Department has given out on a subsidised rate 1110 Nos. of Power Tiller and 354 Nos. of Mini Power Tiller to the Farmers. Besides this, it has also given out sugarcane crusher, brush cutter, tillage implements and sprayers to the farmers in large number. The Department has also given out a number of tractors and paddy reapers on 95% subsidy to the farmers by setting up a numbers of Custom Hiring Centre. Each Custom Hiring Centre comprises of 15 - 25 or more numbers of farmers and the numbers of machineries given to these Custom Hiring Centre is 233 nos. The Department floated an open tender to different dealers who bid for supply of those machineries. The dealer who conformed most to the prevailing guidelines or norms of the Department are chosen as an approved dealer who supplied these machineries. Approved suppliers are chosen only from those Institution approved by Government of India having a valid certificate and possessing attested report.

Directorate of Agriculture

Tuikual "A" Aizawl, Mizoram
Pin - 796001
Post Box - 98
STD CODE : 0389
EPABX:2322554 / 2311161